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Excellent places to enjoy birdwatching, flowers blooming, and nature is full swing are Heaps Peak Arboretum, Lake Gregory and Green Valley Lake; just off Hwy-18.

Many more trails are explained in local guide “Birds of the San Bernardino Mountains” by accredited bird biologist Anita K. Booth.  This is a must-have local guide that includes the trail maps specifically for birdwatching, bird checklists and profiles and images of 101 mountain birds of the area.  You can buy the guide at the Chamber Visitor Center or Tommy’s Pet Studio (link to Shop page) in Blue Jay which carries birdwatching supplies, mountain favorite wild bird seeds, feeders and accessories. 

You may spot the Bald Eagle around the lakes. Many people around the county have watched famous eagles Jackie and Shadow of Big Bear in their natural habitat, on live cam.

More Road Trip & Spring

Birds of the San Bern Mountains
Birds of the San Bern Mountains